Want To Know How To Turn Your Hobby Into An Income? Read On!

January 25, 2021

How To Turn Your Hobby Into An Income | Everything You Need To Know

You may have heard the saying that if you’re good at something you should never do it for free. We all love spending time on our hobbies, that’s why we do them, right. But, what if you could monetize your hobby as well? In the modern age where technology makes almost anything possible, more and more people are learning how to take their hobbies and turn them into profitable businesses, side hustles or passive income streams.

Technology such as the internet and computers have made the process of earning income, even substantial income from your hobbies not only possible but easier than you might expect. Read on to find out how to turn your hobby into an income.

Do your research

No matter what your hobby and business idea is, there is always going to be a market that will be interested in it. The trick is going to be finding and tapping into that market. Do your research and figure out where that market is (virtually or not) and how you can attract their attention to your service or product.

Test your concept with them and find out what the market is like for the product or service that you are planning to offer. This is a great time to begin looking into how much competition you might have in the market, how many other people are offering something similar, the price they are charging and how busy their businesses are.

Organise a great market strategy

A marketing strategy is going to be key if you want your business to take off and do well. Plan what kind of strategies you are going to undertake and whether you will be focusing on paid advertising, free advertising or a combination of both. Are you going to focus primarily on social media and online marketing or are you also going to market yourself locally in your community?

Your marketing strategy doesn’t have to be expensive. You can leverage free resources that are available to you, such as social media, while you are still getting established before moving on to paid marketing techniques once you have some sales coming on.

When planning your marketing strategy, you should consider who your typical customer is likely to be and where they might be looking for a product or service you are selling. Are they social media users or people using search engines such as Google to locate what they need quickly? Do they live locally, or are they spread across the country? Answer these questions and half of your marketing is already done for you.

Build a brand

Building up your brand cohesively is incredibly important when it comes to building your hobby into a profitable business. Your brand is going to be one of the most memorable things about your business, so you want it to both stand out and be cohesive and clean. Your company name and logo should convey your business personality while also resonating with your target market.

Once you have decided on the look and personality that you want to convey, be sure that the colors, fonts and logos that you use across all of your social media and branding are the same. This cohesiveness will present as professional and high-quality.

Create an online presence

An online presence is an incredibly important aspect of any business, especially in a world that relies so heavily on the internet. Having a solid online presence isn’t only a great way to sell your products and increase your customer reach, but it also helps to provide your business with a sense of credibility and trustworthiness.

When people can see what your brand is all about, what products or services you are offering and the quality of your stock, they are much more likely to make a purchase. This is also true of social media. Having an active and engaged social media presence helps to create an online presence that people inherently trust, it shows that you are a legitimate business and a good risk to buy from.

Scale up when you’re ready

Once your business is established and doing well you might want to think about scaling up your operations. You will soon get to the point where you have enough work that you are going to need to hire someone to help you out with daily tasks. This could be fulfilling orders or a customer service expert who can help you with the customer and social media side of things.

Regardless, hiring someone to handle some of the day-to-day tasks will help increase your business output and grow your brand into a fully-fledged business.

Get in touch with our team today

Turning your hobby into a profitable stream of income is more achievable than you may expect. With a bit of time, effort and research you can create a business that you love doing. In a world where so many people are less than thrilled about their careers or day jobs, spending your time doing what you love most and getting paid for it is the ultimate goal. If you’re looking for more tips and tricks on making money or information on how to manage your finances, we can help.


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Loan Amount
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Loan term
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This comparison rate is based on $3600 over 12 months. These are secured and unsecured loans, so lender might ask for security as well. The minimum loan term is 12 months and maximum loan term is 24 months or more.

These are estimated rates only and a comparison rate based on the example information provided. Other fees, costs and charges are not included. This calculation is not an offer for credit. The amount you can borrow may vary once you complete a loan application and all the details relevant to our lending criteria are captured and verified. The interest rate for this product is variable and subject to change.


Personal Loan

Loan Amount
$16,000 - $70,000

Loan term
12 months - 5 years*

  • 1. Interest rate: 14.2% p.a.
  • 2. Comparison rate: 14.65% p.a.
  • 3. Loan Type: Secured & Unsecured

These rates are an example for a loan of $50,000 if borrowing for a term of 5 years.

Loan Amount of $50,000 over 5 years repayable. A monthly $1,190.60 Repayment at a maximum of 14.64% p.a. Comparison Rate. These are secured loans, so lender might ask for security as well. The minimum loan term is 12 months and maximum loan term is 5 years or more.

These are estimated rates only and a comparison rate based on the example information provided. Other fees, costs and charges are not included. This calculation is not an offer for credit. The amount you can borrow may vary once you complete a loan application and all the details relevant to our lending criteria are captured and verified. The interest rate for this product is variable and subject to change.


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